Would you go up in a hot air balloon? Which is more scarier, a hot air balloon ride or a helicopter ride?
I twice been in a helicopter and had no problems at all.
I do know I would like to ride in a hot air balloon but I would be afraid.
I have problems with heights. I can ride any roller coaster. Doesn’t matter how high, how fast or how many loops I love it but I’m scared to ride giant ferris wheels. 
Today is my 3rd anniversary here at JU. Traditionally I should get leather. (Oh the possibility of jokes you readers are thinking up right now)
Rose discovered JU first and even though she told me all about it I never visited because it was her discovery. A place I thought she could write her thoughts without having to worry about me reading it. But she kept asking me to join and try writing.
This is my 55th article. Not too many for 3 years. My goal was to write a blog every 2 weeks so at that rate I should have 78 articles. Hey, I’m slow.
I’m glad I came here. Not being a writer it was intimidating writing at first considering all the talented writers here. Hopefully I have improved since my 1st blog.
It’s been fun here commenting and getting to know some of you. Thanks to everyone who not only read my writings but left comments.
Breaking Bad
As anyone who knows me or anyone sees how fast I do JU Writing Challenges they know I’m a procrastinator. So if I were to say I finally saw the first season of the AMC show “Breaking Bad” they wouldn’t be surprised.
I have had it TIVO’d forever now. It’s only 7 episodes and every one is good.
The short version of the series is a high school chemistry teacher, who after finding out he has lung cancer decides to become a meth dealer to pay for chemo and to have money for his family when he dies.
It stars Bryan Cranston. He played the father on “Malcolm in the Middle”. He’s very good in it. I highly recommend it.
There are so many places here that sell homemade lemonade and damn it tastes so good. My mother can make some great lemonade. Mmmm I love it!
I found a recipe for lemonade online and I may try to make some soon but again I am a procrastinator.
I probably will try it this week though since it has been 100 degrees or more for a week straight now. The last 2 days it has been 105 and 106. I think I need to buy some lemons and lots of ice. Well, that or a pool. 
I’ve always said some people who are book smart or school smart can lack any common sense. When you see a person who to you isn’t intelligent is it because he lacks education or is it because he never read enough or is it because they lack common sense.
I have seen people in here and in real life who have seemed very intelligent and some have college degrees and then when they talk it appears they have a total lack of common sense. It’s almost like you can’t believe it.
How important do you think it is to have common sense? Can common sense be taught?
Does anyone take naps anymore? Do kids? Do adults?
Naps are supposed to be good for us. It’s been awhile since I taken a nap but I’ll be honest after a big meal I always feel like taking one.
Do you take naps? Do your kids?
Maybe I should take a nap more often. If I can’t fall asleep I’ll just turn it to an Adam Sandler movie. 
Well, I wasn’t hoping to end my “babbling” article with anything corny but …
Rose recently did write a JU Writing Challenge article about her conversation with the bathroom mirror and how she doesn’t like what she sees sometimes.
I just want her and everyone else here to know I still think she’s as gorgeous as ever.
She must be blind to not see how beautiful she truly is … well her blindness could explain why she’s with me.