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What was Your First Favorite Movie as a Child?
The First Big One
Published on September 5, 2005 By
The other day one of my younger brothers told me he bought a new DVD, the movie "The Goonies" for his 2 daughters. I, of course, laughed telling him he bought the movie more for himself than for my nieces.
See, years ago, when my brother first saw "The Goonies" it was a big deal for him. I remember him coming home from the ciniplex with my parents all excited, telling anyone who listened how good it was. I still can see him doing the truffle shuffle.
It got me thinking about the first movie that made me have the same reaction.
Sure, there's movies I liked as a kid, but the first one I saw that made me want to tell everyone how great it was, was "Enter the Dragon".I became at that instant a Bruce Lee fan.
My father took me to go see it and when we got home I ran into the house to tell my mother how great a fighter Bruce Lee was and bragged how fast he was. I still remember where I saw it. It was at one of those old time movie theaters downtown that has long since disappeared.
I can also still remember watching every Bruce Lee movie at home, and afterwards my brothers and I acting like we were martial arts experts. Fake fighting all over the house, imitating every move we just seen. You know how Kung Fu or Karate masters can break boards and bricks. Well, we broke tables, lamps, glasses, plates and windows. And none of them intentionally either.
We were just clumsy as hell. Well my mother put a stop to all that because even though she didn't know Kung Fu or Karate she still showed us her skills with a black belt.
So JU readers, what was the first movie that made you want to tell the world how good it was? Doesn't matter if you don't like it anymore or you think it might be embarrassing to mention. Share it with us. Tell us even if it's a Pauly Shore movie.
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on Sep 17, 2005
--The movie? "Star Wars", of course--
Like I said before it seems to be so many people's first favorite. And who knows, it may continue to be as years go by. Maybe, if some channel shows it yearly, like they used to with The Wizard of Oz.
--it wasn't until the movie's villain first appeared that we quickly left the seesaw and scurried to the safety of our station wagon and the tinny sound system of the drive in movie theater.--
I remember scaring my little brothers by turning off the lights and using their glow-in-the-dark light sabers and their Darth Vader voice mask breathing heavy. Looking back on it, I guess I was a jerk but I thought it was funny at the time.
on Sep 17, 2005
Oh the first movie I remember loving and wanting to see again and again would have to have been
and then there was "Snow White"
and "Lady and the Tramp"
My adult son has almost all of Disney's Classic Master Pieces
and I have quite a few myself.
Wish SOMEONE would make movies like these again, also make a few more movies like the Ester Williams
on Sep 17, 2005
The Odd Couple
and then
Never was much interested in the "kid" movies.
on Sep 19, 2005
--Oh the first movie I remember loving and wanting to see again and again would have to have been
and then there was "Snow White"
and "Lady and the Tramp"---
I remember seeing great Disney classics with my nieces. Seeing them enjoyed them for the first time was the best.
--Wish SOMEONE would make movies like these again, also make a few more movies like the Ester Williams
Maybe some great animated movies in the tradition of Disney masterpieces will be made again, but I don't see anyone trying to make a picture like the Esther Williams classics. But I been wrong many times before.
on Sep 19, 2005
--The Odd Couple and then M*A*S*H--
Well, for a kid you had great taste in movies. The first time I saw M*A*S*H I didn't like it. I seen it at the drive-in, and was not really paying attention. My cousins and I, were too busy playing at the drive-in playground. It wasn't until my teenage years, that I realized how good it was.
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